Monday, January 20, 2014

From concept to reality in 6 weeks - RECAP

This is a summary of what was done each day from start to finish, which included the second phase of the project:

Day 1 - buy a Windows 8.1 laptop with touch interface
Day 2 - get Windows Phone development environment working on Windows 8.1 Pro environment
Day 3 - learn about BingMaps and VisualStudio Express
Day 4 - learn how to load data from server using BackgroundTransfer
Day 5 - learn about Metro UI using XAML + 3rd party component libraries
Day 6 - read Windows Store app UX guidelines + using single Application Bar + first iteration meeting with client
Day 6.5 - create Microsoft developer account + learn how to submit app to Windows Store
Day 7 - custom application icons & fonts + UI layouts + create 1st deployable package to give to customer
Day 8 - learn about Windows 8 Application Lifecycle + how to use dialogs
Day 9 - retrieve live data from server and process as JSON and then display on BingMap
Day 9.5 - load free Perpetuum Windows Store controls
Day 11 - ask for more developer help to build custom controls + learn how to debug exceptions
Day 12 - parse all live data as JSON and display on BingMap as push pins
Day 13 - use Telerik DualRangeSlider + formatting numbers + learn LINQ
Day 14 - learn C# interfaces + create custom font using + learn how to create custom images dynamically in code
Day 15 - switch to BA3 mapping engine + learn how to do string manipulation in C#
Day 16 - generate dynamic markers with ImageMagick
Day 17 - check each image anchor point + explore how to install app outside Windows Store
Day 18 - figure out how to use and debug asynchronous methods + deploy outside Windows Store + how to read/write files locally on device
Day 19 - more success with LINQ + debug geographic issues with GPS coordinates
Day 20 - learn about notifications and bindings + how to use custom app colors
Day 21 - learn more details about strings + rewrite all of server download code to use HttpClient
Day 22 - deal with 500 error codes from server + change app so it works without internet connection by loading local files instead of loading data from server + centering map in geographic center of USA with extents to show some of Alaska
Day 23 - app stops working at most inopportune time
Day 24 - all 4 map layers working correctly + important customer iteration meeting + whole app in good working condition
Day 25 - use Telerik Date/Time controls + StackPanel compared to Grid layout + theming Telerik controls
Day 26 - list of all Metro controls + VisualStudio app reports + timing app usage using StopWatch class
Day 27 - prepare for final iteration meeting + create test data to validate all 4 layers on map

This was the start of Phase 2, since I ran out of the allotted money allowed for the initial project, I had to get customer approval before resuming on the left that remained that was not essential for the CES conference:

Day 28 - resolve some of related issues to uses of Telerik RangeSlider for filtering
Day 29 - property change notifications + pointer events
Day 30 - use Windows Store app Settings + saving Settings as local data
Day 31 - localizing date/time output + button FlyOut menus
Day 32 - live update at periodic intervals + mathematical formulas related to GPS coordinates
Day 33 - missing BA3 mapping functions + create temporary work arounds until BA3 can deliver updates
Day 34 - Windows Store app SearchBox + popup placement + working with collections to remove and find whether element already exists + more geographic mathematical formulas
Day 35 - major typo found in bearing calculations + BA3 mapping engine update
Day 36 - merge two collections + email issues + reboot to install patches
Day 37 - retry logic for server failures + ListView for search results

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