Thursday, December 19, 2013

From concept to reality in 6 weeks - part 23

Here we are at probably the last full day of work on the Windows Store app. It is not really sad for me as I really need a break as I have been putting in way too many hours. I look forward to scaling down the number of hours per day and relaxing over the Christmas break with the family. I am starting off the day listening to Good Old War on Spotify as I need some enjoyable music to start the day off right. I really like their song "Amazing Eyes".

I added the nightly mapping engine build to my app and double checked a couple of things and then checked the DLLs into GitHub. I added some debug statements to verify I am getting all of the correct callbacks for the filtering as that is my final missing piece of functionality. If I can get that working today then I will be a happy camper. I expect that to happen as I know what needs to be done. Since my wife is still sick I have to take my son to a doctor appointment and I may meet the mapping engine lead developer in the afternoon so I need to watch my time closely to make sure I don't run out of time as I definitely do not need another super long work day.

My first attempt worked so I am feeling good about today. I am going to update the status messages first so I can see the affects of the filtering without doing actually doing the filtering. Once I understand that part, then I should be done as the rest is easy. I was really tempted to rename so properties in the event being passed to me but then I decided against it and just use it as is. A side note about refactoring code before I go crazy and finish my last task. When working on Adobe Flex for several years, I complained about how refactoring is more than just renaming something. Now VSE has done the same thing to me all over again. Except they added the ability to extract a method also. Apple Xcode is not much better so I cannot brag about them either. I just find it pretty sad that many ages ago when I worked in Java that the Eclipse IDE had all refactoring support and yet I have to see another IDE that had that capability since then. I have use that a couple of times in I am over that and moving on...

I must say that Good Old War was a perfect band choice for today.

It never fails, when the heat is on something horrible happens. For me today the app just stopped working and all day long I have been trying to figure out why. I am still struggling with how that happened. No words to describe how long today was.

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