Monday, March 3, 2014

Quotes on creating prototypes

Fail early and inexpensively - Real innovation always includes a risk of failure. By building a prototype, you can quickly weed out the approaches that don’t work to focus on the ones that do.  

Recognize That Ideas Are Cheap - The expense lies in testing and verifying what has economic value. A great prototype is often the best way to start a dialogue with potential customers and test your idea’s value.

Start With a Paper Design -  For a user interface or Web software prototype, a paper design is efficient and effective for quickly working through the functionality. You can get peers and, hopefully, customers to give feedback on where images, text, buttons, graphs, menus, or pull-down selections are located. Paper designs are inexpensive and more valuable than words.

Put in Just Enough Work - here are two good reasons to prototype: the first is to test the feasibility of a software product, and the second is to create a demonstration and gain customer feedback so you can price and put a value on your innovation. Keep these objectives in mind and be careful not to fall in love with the process.

Find Design Issues Early - Things we conceptualize in our heads that seem awesome regularly turn out to be terrible ideas when we put them in a more concrete, visual medium such as a piece of paper or a computer screen.

Compare Design Variations Quickly - Comparing several designs with each other is made easier through prototyping. What’s a better solution: a tabbed navigation menu or a list of links arranged vertically?

Gather Design Feedback Better - By simply describing your user interface ideas, it may be hard for others to grasp what you’re trying to achieve. This can result in poor feedback due to misinterpretation.

Prototypes can be a Presentational Tool - Prototyping your design concepts can be an effective way to illustrate your ideas and get approval/sign-off from your higher-ups.

Be Able to Perform User Testing Early On - A prototype can put user testing at the start of a project, instead of at the end.

Prototyping is Cheap, Fast, and Easy

By definition, prototypes aren’t perfect because their purpose is pragmatic; they elicit feedback.

Prototypes should be, above all, quick and painless to create.

How to prototype and influence people

To design is to inspire participation.

The value of an idea is 0 unless it can be communicated.

To convince yourself and others of an idea.

You are iterating your solution as well as your understanding of the problem.

Prototypes are a much better at communicating a design. It’s much easier to sit down with designers, developers, product owners and of course users to get feedback and to run through design ideas if everyone can see how things might work with their own eyes.

Prototypes are more user friendly. Where as people are often scared off by wireframes everyone understands what a prototype is (just make it clear that prototypes are very different from the finished article).

Prototypes require less documentation as they are less open to interpretation and on-page interactions can be mocked up. If you do need to document your prototypes (hopefully with an emphasis on ‘just enough’ documentation) then you’ll find yourself having to write many fewer comments for a prototype than a set of wireframes.

Prototypes better support user-centred design. It’s much easier to carry out usability testing with a prototype than a set of wireframes and to get lots of juicy feedback from users in general.
Prototypes require less work. If you are careful to prototype ‘just enough’ to get the feedback that you need then prototypes typically require less work than wireframes because you’ll need to write (and maintain) less documentation.

Visual fidelity (sketched ↔︎ styled)
Look and feel are the most noticeable dimension of a prototype’s fidelity and, if not properly selected, can sidetrack prototype reviews. Go hi-fi too soon and users will focus on visual design, which is not appropriate in early stages. From a visual standpoint, prototypes do not have to be pixel perfect but should be proportional; for example, if the left navigation area has to occupy one-fifth of a 1024-pixel screen, it does not need to be exactly 204 pixels wide, as long as it is proportionally depicted in the prototype. As prototyping progresses through the design cycle, increase visual fidelity as needed by introducing elements of style, color, branding and graphics.

Functional fidelity (static ↔︎ interactive)
Does the prototype reveal how the solution will work (static) or does it appear to be fully functional and respond to user input (interactive)? This dimension is less of a distraction to users, but adding interactivity in subsequent iterations increases functional fidelity and allows the prototype to be used for usability testing and training and communications.

Content fidelity (lorem ipsum ↔︎ real content)
Another dimension that often distracts users is the content that is displayed in the prototype. Squiggly lines and dummy text like lorem ipsum are useful to avoid in early stages of prototyping. But as the prototype is refined, evaluate the need to replace dummy text with real content to get a feel for how it affects the overall design.

Low-Fidelity - sketches, sticky notes, whiteboards (easy to create and inexpensive to change)

Medium-Fidelity - partially complete for a single workflow or task flow for user testing

  • Communicate design - A prototype demonstrates to a client what functionality the system will deliver and what it will be like for users to interact with that system
  • Allow for participatory design - Available to the client team, the development team and a wide variety of users, prototypes lend themselves to a participatory design process where many key roles have to "buy-in" to the nature and behavior of the final product.
  • Catch mistakes early - Ideally, prototypes are frequently tested in formal and informal usability sessions throughout their development.
  • Support iterative development - In this way, the Web site or application interface can evolve (through the process of either adding, refining, or removing features and functionality) until it reaches a stable state.
  • Facilitate detailed requirements gathering - Because prototypes provide a common ground of understanding between users, client team members, and development team members, they greatly help in establishing business requirements, application requirements, and use cases.
  • Guide later development stages - Application Developers can use the prototype as a live representation of the use cases (even to the point of using prototype pages as a test front-end to their code) and to understand how the system is intended to interact with users.

High-Fidelity - complete graphics and functionality and tie in to dynamic data sources

Caveats of prototyping - Yet it is easy for both clients and team members to want to see more and more functionality and detail included in the prototype

The best arguments in favor of low fidelity prototypes are:
  1. Fast to build
  2. No technical or design ability required
  3. Prevent tunnel vision — don’t distract the end user with visuals
  4. Get good feedback fast

The reason high fidelity works so well can be summed up with one word: Engagement. No matter who your stakeholder – executive, end user, developer, UX pro – higher fidelity prototypes grab and hold you users attention much more effectively than low fidelity.

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