Friday, February 15, 2008

The shed that is not a shed

Our boys are all musically inclined. They got it honestly as I learned how to play guitar and trumpet when I was in the 5th grade. I kept up with the trumpet through college as I really enjoyed the challenge. My wife knew how to play the guitar when I met her and our first Christmas together I bought her a Yamaha guitar. We have taken that 25 year old guitar all over the planet with us and now our middle son plays it constantly in his room sitting at the computer.

In our first house in Fuquay Varina, we cleaned up the shed and made it a music room. The problem was it was acoustically bad and did not dampen the sound at all, especially with drums. You know you cannot turn down the volume on a standard drum set? With the shed door and windows closed and the same in the house, we could hear them playing like they were in the house. When we moved to San Antonio, we took the '72 Rogers drum set with us and once there my son sold it to buy a guitar. The older boys quickly found someone with a huge drum set, who of course brought it to our house. They put it in the garage, but it might as well have been in the house as it was louder than our neighbors nitrous oxide induced racing Corvette.

With this history laid out, you can see why after 6 years of noise, we decided to take matters into our hands when we moved into our current house in Fuquay Varina. My Yamaha guitar playing son decided he would build a music room in a shed behind the house. A shed is not a very descriptive word for the final product. A shed is a small outdoor covering for tools and lawnmowers. Words cannot completely describe what we have built, so photos will enhance this experience for you.

We moved into our house in the early summer. By the fall after school started, my son was ready to go. I had to get a building permit from Town of Fuquay Varina, because of the size of the Acoustic Shed. Anything over 12' x 12' requires a permit and a concrete slab. Plus to get electrical work done you have to have a permit. How can you crank up the guitar amps without electricity? Got to have that. My son found shed plans on the internet that he modified to be acoustically sound using on-line bulletin boards that describe in detail how people accomplished similar projects. That is when I learned how serious an undertaking I had signed up for.

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