Thursday, December 10, 2009

local prisoner

As we have experienced in our family - problems never go away if you ignore them. I read in the paper today that a local man was sentenced to six years in jail for child pornography. It reminded me of a web site I found when I discovered one of our teenage boys looking at pornography at our home:

Here is a link to his story:

Here is the blog he is maintaining:

I really like the steps in this article:

1. His slide into pornography was gradual – Nothing happened overnight. David’s porn habit grew slowly over a period of many years.

2. His slide was progressive – It started with his father’s Penthouse, chatrooms then trading pictures. David’s behaviors got worse over time. It also took more to get his “fix”. And it took more and more of his time. The things that once seemed repulsive actually became exciting.

3. Many secrets were hidden - Porn grows in the dark, and feeds on a secretive life.

4. He was successful on the outside, yet decaying on the inside.

5. He is a regular guy, just like you and me, that slid in a horrible direction – This is the scary thing. Many of us have similar stories. We allow porn in our life thinking it’s not harmful. Thinking we can control it. All along, our lust is really controlling us.

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