Sunday, February 11, 2007

India photos

There are many ways to post photos on the internet, but an easy way to organize photos on your PC and then publish to your web site is to use JAlbum. This has been updated recently and is now even easier to use. Yes, I have a Mac laptop and iPhoto exists, but JAlbum works on just about any platform so I use it so I can help friends who use it. I used a very cheap disposable camera while in India and then scanned the photos on my PSC950 HP All-In-One printer/fax/scanner. Nothing high tech here at all, but even with all of this low tech cheap stuff, the photos did not turn out that bad at all:

Photos of India 2007 trip

I also used Google to search for other people's photos of the same areas I visited and created another photo album of these:

India photos found in Google

Both of these were created using JAlbum with different output skins.

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